Thursday, 12 January 2012

Creative Connections & CRAFTfest

Evening all,

As you may know we have links with Creative Connections so though we'd tell you all about them and their fab CRAFTfest...

Predominantly run by Anna not only does she run the Creative Connections website, co-ordinate the CRAFTfest events, edit and publish an online magazine every quarter and run the Professional Crafter's Guild, but she also runs her own business too!

Natasha first joined Creative Connections in Aug 2011 after signing up for the September CRAFTfest. For those who don't know CRAFTfest events are online craft fairs. The 2011 format was run over 2 days but for 2012 they're going on for a whopping 7 days for just £5 each. It's a fantastic way to meet other sellers, gain some of their knowledge and bounce ideas off them as you're put into advertising groups and given a team leader. I was a team leader for the November event and going forward am more of a co-ordinator between Crafty-Bitz and Creative Connections. 

Natasha has also had articles published in the December edition of the Creative Crafting magazine and will be submitting various bits and bobs throughout the year, including a feature on Crafty-Bitz.

So going forward you'll see reminders about when to submit content for the magazine, deadlines for joingin the the CRAFTfests and lots more.


To sign up for CRAFTfest you first need to become a member (which is free) on their website

Then everything you need to know to join is on this seperate website here, which is totally dedicated to CRAFTfest events

But here's a quick summary!

10th - 18th March
You can showcase as many products you like via your online "stall" on the website
This stall is then linked to a front page in your chosen category
£5 to sign up
Dedicated team leader to support you
A wealth of knowledge from your fellow team members
Weeks of potential advertising and selling before, during and after the event

The deadline for signing up for a stall is 20th February but the sooner you sign up the higher up each category you go :)

If you have any questions Natasha will be happy to answer them if she can.


Sarah and Natasha

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