So, this is the same info that was emailed to all of our members yesterday but thought we'd share it with everyone!
Valentine’s Day Showcase 27th – 29th January
The main reason for this email is to tell about our Valentine’s Day Showcase. It’s not an online Craft Fair and we won’t be charging anyone to take part, we’re just requesting that you have to be a member to take part. So how will it work?
- Each member can submit up to 3 photos that have to have a Valentine’s / Love theme
- Can we ask that all photos are checked and edited if needed before sending over as it will save us having to edit them for you eg. Shadow heads / hands etc removed
- Along with the photos we need links to where people can buy the item from, whether it’s an online shop, website or contact details need to be sent over as well as a description
The above needs to be with us before 21st January so we have a week to process everyone’s items. While the showcase will be from the 27th – 29th, the albums themselves won’t be removed either from facebook or the website so will be able to be browsed all year round.
As well as having made good connections with The Craft Network and Handmade For You UK, we have also now got a link with Creative Connections! If you haven't heard of them they're the brains behind CRAFTfest which is an online craft fair that attracts over 175 stallholders! Whilst the finer details need to be worked out, Natasha is going to be the link between Crafty Bitz and Creative Connections both during CRAFTfest and ongoing. They have nearly 700 facebook fans, nearly 1,000 people on their magazine facebook page and nearly 850 members on their website so the potential for reaching a big number of people is brilliant. More info about Creative Connections and our little partnership will follow in a blog over the next few weeks!
Meet our member
The meet our member feature currently only has 10 members in there and we'd love to showcase you and your story. All you need to do to take part is email with a photo of your choice and your description. Check out the album here if you're not sure what to write
Don't forget about our blog - http://www.crafty-bitz- we'd love to have some more featured member interviews. For some interview questions as a guide email
We’ve been thinking about how we can engage with our members on a more regular basis so will be arranging a monthly newsletter to share with you what we’ve got going on, what our connections have got going on and anything our members have got going on that they want to shout about. First one will go out on 1st February so if you want to be feature in our first one submit any content to bef ore 23rd January
Website photos
2012 can be a huge success for Crafty Bitz and all of its members but we need to be able to showcase you and your products to do that. Some people may have joined and forgotten about us, so do remember we're here to help you and your products and if we don't have any, we can't do it!
If you have any other ideas or comments please feel free to get in touch :)
Thanks as always Sarah and Natasha

Hi Sarah and Natasha, I received your email and it all sounds very exciting, I'll certainly be sorting out my photo's and setting up something for your Valentine Album. :)
ReplyDeleteJan x